Februaury 19, 2025

Mr. David Patchell-Evans:

The following illustrates how racist GoodLife Fitness is.
Neurotic Female Fitness instructors cast their deceitful vindictive hatred onto black males,
falsely claiming they are a threat.

Managers of fitness clubs always act against the victim who is wrongfully accused.
This has happened to me at least half a dozen times at 3 different fitness clubs, The YMCA, LA Fitness and now GoodLife Fitness.

I am concerned this will continue. There is bound to be female fitness instructors who behave like Alejandra. Furthermore, Alejandra is likely to re-offend,
causing my mebership to be once again unjustly suspended or even permanently cancelled.

Patch. It is imperative you look into this matter to prevent a repeat of this!

I am hopeful this racist behaviour of GoodLife Fitness does not reflect your personal ideology.

I am demanding an apology from you personally.

The foollowing are copies of some email communications between myself and GoodLife Fitness:


Christopher C. Charles
BTW: The rims of toilets at the Dunfied club HAVE NEVER BEEN CLEANED AND HARBOR PLENTIFUL FECES.

from: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
to: cccharlz@gmail.com, cccharlz@gmail.com;
date: Feb 6, 2025, 2:30PM
subject: GoodLife Fitness Membership Status
mailed-by: goodlifefitness.com
signed-by: goodlifefitness.com

Hi Christopher,

This email is in follow-up to the recent investigation regarding your behaviour toward an Associate at the Toronto Richmond and Bathurst location.

GoodLife’s Associate Relations Team has completed an internal investigation which includes a review of all available evidence as well as written accounts
from Members and Associates directly involved in the incident. Based on the findings of this investigation, it has been substantiated that:

You admitted to contacting this Associate and proceeded to send her song lyrics via text message.
This caused discomfort so she blocked your number in hopes that you would no longer contact her
In January 2025, you approached this Associate after one of her classes and asked questions about her relationship status
and discussed topics of your personal life. You confirmed this interaction occurred.

You engaged in persistent and unwanted interactions with this associate despite her attempts to disengage.
Your comments regarding your personal life and her relationship status, were inappropriate and unwelcome causing the associate to feel uncomfortable
After reviewing the incident reports on file, Home Office has decided to issue you a 1-month suspension for all GoodLife Fitness locations,
effective immediately.

Your Membership has been placed on an unrestricted freeze which will end as of March 5, 2025.
Your access will automatically be reinstated as of March 6, 2025.

As a reminder, GoodLife has the right to cancel your Membership as per the following provisions of your signed Membership Agreement:

10. Rules and Regulations. We reserve the right to cancel or suspend your membership,

without refund, if you a) fail to follow our Rules or breach the terms of this Agreement,

b) cause a nuisance or disturbance, c) commit any illegal or immoral acts, or d) if we feel

that your actions may endanger yourself or others. If your membership is suspended,

your obligation to make payments under this Agreement will be suspended for the

duration of your membership suspension.

11. Reservation of Rights: We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any membership

without cause, in which event you will be entitled to a refund only of unused prepaid

installments, if any.


Samantha (She/Her)

Risk and Safety Specialist

Experience and Safety Department

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 6, 2025, 9:09PM
subject: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

I wish to appeal your decision to suspend my membership for one month.

I did nothing wrong to justify this punitive action.

See the screenshot below. November 22. 2024.

Alejandra never objected whenever i handed her a printout of my songs. She would accept them with a polite thank you.

She never requested i do not send text messages to her phone.

In fact i sent links to information she had expressed interest in.

She said she had changed/had trouble with her phone and that was the reason she did not read my text. She said she would receive the messages from the cloud.

She is telling lies again when she tells you the reason for blocking my phone number is because she does not wish to receive my songs.

I bet she is not an architect working on the Ontario Line. That too is a fabrication.

Please i wish to appeal this suspension of my gym membership.


from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 6, 2025, 9:29PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 6, 2025, 9:29PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

I suspect her boyfriend is the one controlling her phone. Police can, and do, do this.
The instructor, Alejandra, gave me her phone number so i could send her the lyrics to my song

GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
to: cccharlz@gmail.com cccharlz@gmail.com
date: Feb 7, 2025, 1:38PM
subject: RE: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: goodlifefitness.com
signed-by: goodlifefitness.com
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

Hi Christopher,

Thank you for your email.

I will look into this further and get back to you as soon as possible. For now, the suspension will remain on your account.

Samantha (She/Her)

Risk and Safety Specialist

Experience and Safety Department

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 7, 2025, 6:55PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

Thank you. I have told you the truth. I am outspoken, not abusive. At least no offense intended.

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 10, 2025, 1:58PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

I think your suspension of my membership is draconian for I have done nothing wrong but exercise my right to free speech.
If Alejandra is uncomfortable with me attending her classes, she does not speak for all female instructors at all Goodlife locations.
I have already paid my membership fee for February.

Why are two investigators handling this one case?

Evidence exists to prove Alejandra is not telling the truth. Therefore, my membership suspension should be removed immediately!

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 10, 2025, 6:54PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

You may not value my intuition but i believe Alejandra is pregnant and this causing her to detached from reality.

She stated as much herself declaring infront of participants in a Friday night Pilates class,

I am crazy

After class i said

Funny you should say that. I was thinking the same thing

So you think i am crazy?

No i was compiling facts about loneliness for my song on the subject. I realize how much loneliness is a mental health issue


GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
to: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
date: Feb 11, 2025, 4:32PM
subject: RE: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: goodlifefitness.com
signed-by: goodlifefitness.com
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important because previous messages in the conversation were important.

I wanted to let you know that the situation was reviewed again, and the suspension will remain as previously stated.
Your account is on a freeze, so you won’t be charged for the time you are out of the club.

Thank you,

Pamela (She/Her)

Director, Risk Prevention and Response

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 11, 2025, 6:39PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: gmail.com

But i have already paid for February. On what grounds is my membership suspended in the first place?

from: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
to: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
date: Feb 13, 2025, 11:45AM
subject: RE: Alejandra is a compulsive liar
mailed-by: goodlifefitness.com
signed-by: goodlifefitness.com

Hi Chris,

You have a credit on your account, and it will be used to make your payment once your suspension is over.

Thank you,

Pamela (She/Her)

Director, Risk Prevention and Response

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: GoodLife Risk Prevention Support 1 risksupport1@goodlifefitness.com
date: Feb 13, 2025, 4:01PM
subject: Re: Alejandra is a compulsive liar

Thanks for the credit. My membership should not have been suspended in the first place. Goodlife owes me an apology!

I hope this never happens again!


from: Amuda, Aminat aminat.amuda@goodlifefitness.com
to: cccharlz@gmail.com cccharlz@gmail.com
date: Jan 23, 2025, 3:18PM
subject: Follow-Up Regarding a Concern Raised
mailed-by: goodlifefitness.com
signed-by: goodlifefitness.com

Hello Christopher,

I hope you are having a good day. My name is Aminat, and I am with the Associate Relations team at GoodLife Fitness.

I have attempted to reach you by phone and left you a voicemail.

I wanted to inform you that a concern has been raised involving you by one of our associates, and I would like to gather your feedback on the matter.

Would you be available to connect at 1 PM tomorrow?

Looking forward to your response.

Thank you,

Aminat Amuda (she/her) CPHR, CTMP, RPR, SHRM

Associate Relations Investigator

People Department

Ph: 431-323-8176

from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: Amuda, Aminat aminat.amuda@goodlifefitness.com
date: Jan 24, 2025, 11:27AM
subject: Re: Follow-Up Regarding a Concern Raised
mailed-by: gmail.com

Alejandra is neurotic. She thinks I intend to engage into a sexual relationship with her.

She is overreacting to a conversation we had one day shortly after her yoga class at Richmond and John.

I had intended to just shower and sauna. I did not bring any gym clothes. I asked a staff member if there were any fitness classes going on. The girl at the front desk said, Yes. Yoga. I asked who's teaching it. Alejandra replied the girl. I said great. I like Alejandra

When I recounted the story directly to Alejandra, I said I told the girl at the front desk I like you.

I was surprised to see Alejandra teaching yoga during office hours. She had told me she is an architect, working on the Ontario line subway located close to King and Bathurst and also Spadina and Queen.

Alejandra told me she is part German and Spanish. I told her to checkout dw.com.

After playing my first song, Blood Flowing Ecstacy, Alejandra gave me her phone number so I could send her the lyrics via WhatsApp.

I sent the lyrics and mp3 files. Alejandra responded with a thank you.

We had a conversation about a documentary I watched on dw.com about a South American tribe of men born in the bodies of women.

I recounted the first time I read about this in a book called psycopathia sexualis, a book written over a century ago, originally printed in Latin.

I went on to mention the movie, Se7en in which it shows how certain books borrowed from the public library are flagged by police.

I said I bet you this book is one of them.

Alejandra said she saw the movie, se7en but did not recall the part about library books. She expressed interest in the book.

So I spent time compiling the following links I had sent to Alejandra's WhatsApp:







The movie I referenced is called se7en released in 1995

when i noticed my message was not being read, i rang Alejandra once daily for about 2 or 3 days. My calls were never answered.

In person after her pilates classes, i would ask Alejandra if she got my text. She once said she changed her phone and she may retrieve her messages stored
in the cloud.

I would often ask Alejandra if she checked out dw.com.  They broadcast in many different languages.

Alejandra often replied she is too busy with work.

i remember asking if the new subway would be suicide proof. I also mentioned Murphy's law, asking if the design is flood proof when one year's precipitation
falls within just 2 hours.

Alejandra replied The tunnels will be sealed off from the public. However, she did not confirm the new subway is designed to be resistant to flooding.

My text messages continued to be not read. So I assumed Alejandra had blocked me in her phone out of fear I may be hunting her down.

Also, I noticed Alejandra rushing to leave after Pilates class letting me know, My boyfriend is waiting for me.

I asked her, Is your boyfriend a cop?

Yes She replied as she left hurriedly.

So last Friday, Jan 17, 2025, I decided to try to reason with Alejandra,

When I said I like you, I meant I like your fitness classes and your methods of instruction, not romantically.

When I said,

FYI I am celebate for more than a decade and I don't chase women.

Well I must have trespassed her boundary because her irrational response was,

That's information I don't need to know

Is your boyfriend really a cop? I had asked.

Yes she replied

How did I know that? I must be psychic

I don't like cops. They lie through their teeth and they hurt people. Be careful!

My intuition told me her boyfriend had taken control of her phone, is likely a control freak, is paranoid jealous and violent with IED.

I realize my effort is useless. Neurotic people afraid of a playful puppy dog or terrified by a mouse cannot be pacified by reason.

So Monday I got a call from Edrick, a manager at GoodLife.

I am calling about an interaction you had on Friday with an associate.

You mean Alejandra? She was offended when I told her I am not physically attracted to her and I am celebate for more than a decade and don't chase women.

I went on to explain why I made those remarks.

Edrick confirmed that Alejandra feels uncomfortable in my presence and does not wish to talk to me and I should not have any conversations with her in the

Erick mentioned Alejandra had complained about my songs I shared with her. I told Edrick I share my songs with the world, including with staff at the
front desk at GoodLife Fitness on Richmond near Bathurst.

I told Edrick this is not the first time female fitness instructors have complained about feeling uncomfortable in my presence.

I have experienced this from 4 others at 2 different gyms.

This is complaint number 5 from a third gym.

For this reason I had vowed never to take anymore fitness classes. Instead do my own workouts alone.

But i decided to try again.

I promised Edrick I would not engage in any more conversations with Alejandra.

However, I need to apologize to Alejandra for having offended her. I meant no harm. I want to assure her that I respect her wishes and I don't harbor
any ill feelings.

I would like you to know I have positive interactions with Angela who teaches body pump.

Angela is friendly, often referring to her participants as her friends or as a team

I like Angela and find her physically attractive. However, she is half my age and probably does not feel the same way about me.

So I am content just connecting with her briefly before and after classes. Conversation, sharing information, harmless stuff.

I hope this email answers all your questions.


from: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
to: Amuda, Aminat aminat.amuda@goodlifefitness.com
date: Jan 24, 2025, 2:32PM
subject: Re: Follow-Up Regarding a Concern Raised
mailed-by: gmail.com

Actually it is my 6th complaint. I remember there was 3 female fitness instructors at the YMCA, two of which were yoga instructors  and the third teaches yoga in addition to kettle bell classes.

At LA Fitness I received  complaints from a yoga teacher and their director of fitness classes who also teaches fitness classes but not yoga.

Now Alejandra is the 6th female fitness instructor complaining about not feeling comfortable in my presence.

Due to these complaints, the YMCA suspended my membership.

So during a lengthy suspension, I joined LA Fitness. LA Fitness canceled my membership in response to the complaints.

I went back to the YMCA but was not happy with the management there. So I left the YMCA voluntarily and joined GoodLife Fitness.


from: Amuda, Aminat aminat.amuda@goodlifefitness.com
to: charles chris cccharlz@gmail.com
date: Jan 30, 2025, 11:42AM
subject: RE: Follow-Up Regarding a Concern Raised
mailed-by: goodlifefitness.com
signed-by: goodlifefitness.com
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Hello Chris,

Thanks for sending your statement. I will let you know if I have further questions

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