Lisa Mills, Manager, Philanthropy & Program Operations: I have been bullied and banished from eating inside the dining room managed by the Law Society. I have done nothing to deserve such treatment. Staff at the dining room abuse their authority and bully clients without just cause. The main perpetrator is the black, obese, irrational bully, David Mitchell. After sending the email copied below, my email was never acknowleged or replied to. The nature of the response was nothing but the utmost contempt from Chris, the manager of the dining room. Infact, I continued to be nagged and harassed to leave the dining area before I could finish eating. Furthermore, I was banished from eating in the dining room for the entire month of January 2025. When I returned to enter the dining room in February someone handed me a take out meal. "My banishment is over. It is now February. David please talk to this guy" "You are not permitted to enter the dining room" As I tried to remind David of the terms of his unjust punishment, he continued his argumentative tirade, interrupting and not letting me speak. "David. Remember you said I was banised only for the month of January" "Well. I made a mistake. Anybody can make mistakes" "This whole thing is one big mistake. I did nothing to deserve this banishment in the first place. "OK. You are banished now for the month of Februaury." "Why? What have I done?" "Keep it up and you will be banished till June." This is typical of David Mitchell. He abuses his authority and bullies customers. This must stop now! I demand my banishment be lifted. I also request an apology. from: charles chris to: date: Dec 31, 2024, 2:19 PM subject: Complaint against 3 staff members mailed-by: At the end of Thursday morning breakfast December 26, 2024, I was targeted by a young racist white male staff member. While I sat quietly eating my breakfast he approached me "Breakfast is over. It is time to leave." He then walked around me as I continued to eat my breakfast. One minute later he approached me again repeating what he told me barely one minute ago. This person rattled my nerves. I responded impatiently, "I heard you the first time. Can't you see I am still eating? Stop nagging me. I don't like to be nagged unnecessarily. STOP IT!" The staff said nothing in response. I finished my breakfast. While exiting the building this person followed closely behind me, nagging me again, "Next time remember we close at 07:40 AM" "Nagging me again. I told you to stop nagging me. I don't want to talk to you. This conversation is not necessary." This guy followed me outside. While I was unlocking my bike, he continued nagging. "I was not the only person still eating. At least 6 ohers were doing the same. Yet you chose to nagg only me." "The others have mental issues that's why I targeted you and not them." "How do you know I don't have mental issues too"? "I know you don't " He replied. "FYI we all have mental issues. Please never nagg me again" I mounted my bike then rode away. The following Sunday, December 29 another altercation occurred. This time with an overweight white male staff. I was about to descend the stairs to the dining room when I pulled out from my inside coat pocket, a copy of my Christmas song. I back tracked heading toward the obese black male staff, David. The fat white male obstructed my path. "The kitchen is closing soon. You must go down now" "Leave me alone. I just want to give David a copy of my song" I evaded the obstruction then quickly handed to David a copy of my Christmas song. I then proceeded to descend the stairs to the dining room only to be obstructed once again by the young fat white male staff. This time he was preventing me from entering the dining room. I surmised his behavior was motivated by my defiance of his previous attempt to obstruct me from giving my song to David. His action was not justified and illustrates my point, YOUR STAFF ABUSE THEIR AUTHORITY, THROWING THEIR WEIGHT AROUND AND HARASS CLIENTS UNNECESSARILY. "Why are you blocking my way?" "The kitchen is closed" David entered the argument, "It is 10:57. The kitchen is closed. You are welcome to take a meal to go. In the future if you come 15 minutes before closing you may be denied entry." This David is delusional. He said he observed the fat white male obstructing me from entering the dining room the first time yet I persisted to attempt to enter the dining room the second time. This is a distortion of the facts explained above. Staff followed me outside. "There was an incident reported Thursday" said David. "What incident? Oh you mean the guy who was nagging me?" That same nagging staff member confessed, "You were on your cell phone" "There is no rule against using cell phones" The fact is I write a new song every week, deadline is Fridays. Thursday morning I would have been working on writing the same Christmas song I gave to David on Sunday. I was recounting events that happened when David kept interrupting me repeating the same thing over and over again not allowing me to tell the truth about what happened. Obviously David's brain is diseased. I will never again share any of my songs with David. Attached is the Christmas song. I am requesting these staff members be disciplined and I would like to receive a formal apology. Sincerely, Christopher C. Charles CCC